
By Calvin Fontaine Have you ever wondered why they started the Ocean’s film trilogy with Ocean’s Eleven? It’s because the heist I’m about to describe to you is so goddamn good, so seemingly impossible, so daring and masterful that it is worthy of numbers one through 10. Or perhaps the...

  • April 28, 2024

By Benedict Ballman Itching to break away from the oppressive capitalist machine within which we are all merely cogs? Seeking a more spiritually-centered existence beyond work, sleep and death? Well, come on down to the sparkling beaches of Bali, Indonesia! Bask among expat gated communities, poverty and a rich cultural...

  • April 19, 2024

By Nick Gebo Healthcare is expensive. We’ve all experienced that. Well actually probably not us — we’re Vanderbilt students — but by god I’m sure unaffordable treatment has been a real bummer for somebody out there. Thankfully, I have a readily available solution. I’m here to share a method that...

  • April 10, 2024

By Connie Su and Bonnie Bu PADUCHA, KY– Nashvillian father Harold Chew’s family cites April 8, 2024, as a date of great excitement for him. He and many other astronomically-interested citizens had been gearing up for travel to witness the highly anticipated solar eclipse. In the week prior to this...

  • April 8, 2024

By Hamdi Caseer It’s time for puffer jackets and sweaters to be shoved in the back of your closet. The need for layers of cotton, wool and fat to protect our bodies from the cold is gone. Spring is in the air, and with it, is the need to get...

  • April 6, 2024