Dear Dr. Lovehub, I’ve had my fair share of hardship in dealing with women. Let me tell you, sitting on the highest court in the United States for 30 years is no easy task – it’s exhausting. You try taking away voting and reproductive rights while that bitch Ruth Bader...
From the desk of a culturally sensitive fraternity brother Picture this: you’re hosting a fun little pregame with your brothers before a tailgate, fucking shit up, drinking a few cold ones, doing some light, tasteful coke in the bathroom. Someone says, “Hey man, why don’t we play some Kanye West...
The study also determined that the recent rise in service trips to exotic locations combines the joys of traveling abroad with the self-congratulatory feeling of helping people in need, and is utilized primarily by white upper middle-class students to pacify their white guilt.
Your friend enjoys the shaky video quality and the blurriness as a result of you trying to zoom in on the stage from your shitty seat.
An explanation of 4/20, for those who don’t know the history behind the stoner day of worship.