My name is Khan Trovershall, and I don’t really follow politics. Here’s the thing—I just don’t like to get involved in such divisive topics because at the end of the day, everyone’s upset and no one wants to listen to the new Kanye album. Politics is the reason that during...
Can you guess if the person responsible for the future of your rights is older than this common household object? Play to find out! Let’s start with the 21st Amendment! What about Chocolate Chip Cookies? Tupperware? Surely not the AK-47? Superglue? Legislation Making Slavery Illegal?
By Bonnie Bu Some people just spawn fresh out of summer. Tousled OBX-lookin-ass-hair and tanned, jaundice-free skin are their entire look. Maybe they’re even wearing $70 Rainbow flip flops; we all love a little exposed toe! The first day of classes is a great time to shoot your submissive shot...
The Vanderbilt Biological Sciences Department recently announced that one of their students, junior Gimli Turner, has cured cancer. Doctors around the world are applauding Turner’s tireless efforts toward curing this enigmatic, tenacious disease—a true medical miracle. His roommate, Dory Wimmer Jr., says the idea simply happened upon Turner one night...
It’s midterm season! And not the boring academic dishonesty kind, but rather the political kind! While this can be a very tense and stressful period, it really doesn’t have to be—you just need to know how to do your part. In this election cycle, you should be able to sell...