Carmichael Towers– At 11:41 am on the Saturday of the Kentucky game, Vanderbilt senior Jessie Chastin burrowed under her thick, warm comforter and mourned the passing of the last tailgate of her Vanderbilt career.
Nashville, TN — At a house party over the weekend, Vanderbilt freshman Kyle Simmons—who was an active member of his high school’s choir—attempted to hit the high note in Praying, the popular song from singer Kesha.
We tried our best.
In light of recent news, it seems almost certain that soon, everyone, absolutely everyone on the planet Earth, will be revealed to be absolute garbage.
As a longtime citizen of this country and staunch defender of time-honored values, I can get over a lot of the baloney that those young so-called “Millennials” have done in their recent society-destroying years, but now they have gone too far. First they came for manners, and then they eradicated the 9-5 workday, but now, they have the gall to destroy a time-honored tenement of our society: those bastards are killing killing.