The astrological forces have been waiting for this day, and it’s now less than 24 hours away. The UF tailgate is a highly anticipated cosmic event, so it’s best to stay informed.
This is a time of turmoil and strife among many diverse, different people with dissimilar, disparate, divergent, and sometimes even unalike customs, lifestyles, and beliefs that cohesively disseminate the dissemination of dissimilar ideas.
Indeed, everyone I speak to should respect my nuanced view that feminism and its subscribers by proxy are moronic and delusional.
As the skepticism surrounding the Democratic hopeful’s physical fitness to serve as commander-in-chief grows, The Slant interviews Brad, a pre-med freshman who has conducted extensive medical research on Clinton’s health issues.
Recently this semester, there has been a reported decrease in Piranhas attendance shortly after idgod, the nation’s leading producer of underage IDs, issued a public statement that “IDs ordered during the past two weeks would be shipped in 15 business days.”