By Benedict Ballman Itching to break away from the oppressive capitalist machine within which we are all merely cogs? Seeking a more spiritually-centered existence beyond work, sleep and death? Well, come on down to the sparkling beaches of Bali, Indonesia! Bask among expat gated communities, poverty and a rich cultural...

  • April 19, 2024

By Fieve P. Ercenter NASHVILLE, TN — Happy anniversary, Czar Corradi! This month marks a full year since the establishment of the inaugural New York City rat czardom. On April 12th, 2023, New York City appointed Kathleen Corradi as its first-ever director of rodent mitigation, colloquially known as the “rat...

  • April 16, 2024

By Penelope O’ Connor On March 23, 2024, Vanderbilt made an unprecedented decision to remove their anti-discrimination policy. This decision came as a result of the rising levels of political division on campus. Students are piping hot with anger and are protesting through one of the greatest forms of protest...

  • April 15, 2024

By Nick Gebo Healthcare is expensive. We’ve all experienced that. Well actually probably not us — we’re Vanderbilt students — but by god I’m sure unaffordable treatment has been a real bummer for somebody out there. Thankfully, I have a readily available solution. I’m here to share a method that...

  • April 10, 2024

By Connie Su and Bonnie Bu PADUCHA, KY– Nashvillian father Harold Chew’s family cites April 8, 2024, as a date of great excitement for him. He and many other astronomically-interested citizens had been gearing up for travel to witness the highly anticipated solar eclipse. In the week prior to this...

  • April 8, 2024