Who would have thought a name could cause so much controversy? Beloved, prestigious satire publication The Slant recently fell under intense legal fire. The publication’s name was created by Editor-in-Chief Sam “Jesus” Sliman as a cheeky play on the idea that the news publication is biased (or “slanted”). However, as...
We’ve all been there. Feeling flat because you’re sitting in your isolating Gillette single alone (thanks COVID), mindlessly texting anybody and everybody because you’re desperate for an ounce of real human interaction. That’s when it hits you: invite a girl over from high school that goes to a nearby college....
By Christina Lopez Finding your identity is never an easy process. We are constantly changing and morphing into new forms of ourselves with each passing day, but have you ever morphed into something that resembles a minuscule microbe less than 1.5 µm length? This article is to put all your...
I don’t believe in Astrology. There I said it. But the arbitrary-personality-categorizing-hill I will die on is the Myers–Briggs Personality test. With this personality test, the more than eight billion people on this globe can fit so conveniently (and accurately!) into 16 personality types. The second rarest personality is the...
By Stephanie Hicks Dear Scomb Swingers, There is nothing I hate more than settling into my twin XL and hearing the sinful squeaks from that god forsaken swing set and the squeals from the annoying idiots swinging on it. It cannot be that fun. Genuinely. Last time I checked, playing...