All of creation From the primordial pool To the dinosaurs To the mammoths To us, Homo sapiens, The intelligent species, Happened by chance, An improbable miracle, Of stars aligning, atoms colliding, Your parents meeting, And making you, Only for you to sit In my fucking seat, Asshole.
Slant Staff
Neither my joints nor my bladder function anymore, and my face is more wrinkly than my Very Wrinkly Scrotum. But I have one last wish: You, my children, must join The Slant.
After six seasons of getting blue balled, winter has finally “cum”.
Du du dududu du dududu du dududu du du, duuuuuuuh, duuuuuuuh, dududu duuuuuuuuh du du du dead people everywhere this episode.
Can a story book teach kids both values and how to poop in a toilet at the same time?