Slant Staff

By: Slant Staff The California wildfires have been threatening our ecological safety since 1932.  These wildfires are just another demonstration that climate change has already become irreversible. Greedy lawmakers refuse to pass climate policy in order to benefit their own interests. I know this may be an unpopular opinion, but...

  • March 18, 2022

By: Danielle Bernstein Who isn’t completely overjoyed walking into Commons on a Thursday night? I know I am. The harsh fluorescent lighting, the overall dissatisfaction regarding the food… It’s Disneyland on our little college campus. Last Thursday night, there was something extra special in the Commons air. As I waited...

  • March 1, 2022

By: Instagram User @PrisonTherapyGirlboss So, you’re in prison. That is super duper not fun. In fact, some might even describe it as a sticky situation. To make matters worse, the inner machinations of the universe have conspired to put you in solitary confinement. At first, this may seem like a...

  • January 27, 2022