Ruhi Patel: Editor in Chief

By Ruhi Slatel Cleopatra’s tomb was finally found in the Branscomb Quadrangle basement after being missing for nearly two millennia. In classic Branscomb fashion, the entire tomb was hidden away behind a comically large stack of empty Twisted Tea cans, all held together by the hard work of a very...

  • September 22, 2024

By Ruhi Patel From Star Wars to Mamma Mia to my childhood in North Texas, the trope of the mysteriously unknown father has always been a hoot. But now, it has expanded to marine life: Charlotte, a stingray in North Carolina, is pregnant, and we don’t know how. Like, don’t...

  • March 1, 2024

By Gus T. Wynd Here at The Slant, we care about your well-being. Now, we don’t have the staff or desire to do that Monday meditation with you, but we’ve got some tips to get you through the holiday season. I mean, I can already feel the cold, frigid air...

  • November 15, 2023

By Ruhi Patel Ever since the Barbie movie came out, I’ve been thinking a lot about the patriarchy. It’s no secret that men tend to have a leg up in the world, but let’s talk about that third leg. What’s so special about it? Clearly, a lot because my favorite...

  • November 2, 2023