By Meghan Halvey After four strong years in and out of the classroom, Dores Divest president Charlotte “Char” Latan has accepted an offer to join the renowned consulting firm McKinsey & Company. Latan will be the third consecutive Dores Divest president to follow her time fighting injustices on campus by...
Meghan Halvey: Social Media Chair
By Meghan Halvey Ciao, Bonjour, or whatever the fuck they say in Europe. Get used to it because I won’t be saying anything else for the next couple of months. It’s just so natural! I completely forgot that people even say stuff so awkward sounding like “hey”— it even sounds...
Can you guess if the person responsible for the future of your rights is older than this common household object? Play to find out! Let’s start with the 21st Amendment! What about Chocolate Chip Cookies? Tupperware? Surely not the AK-47? Superglue? Legislation Making Slavery Illegal?
If that tall, lanky bisexual woman’s dream of a white boy who goes around college campuses and asks random people “what song are you listening to?” came up to me he would be fucked. Unlike the rest of you plebeians, I do not fill my days sitting in a Rand...
By: Meghan Halvey Looking for a way to make sure you get that job at Exxon once you graduate? Look no further. After over a year of Chancellor Daniel Diermeier ignoring and rejecting the causes of the University’s guerilla group Dores Divest, Diermeier decided to launch Vanderbilt’s “hottest” new club:...