Another aimless day of classes has come to a merciful close. You pack your backpack, pop in your AirPods, turn on some of the angelic stylings of Vanderbilt’s own Ben Kessler, and begin the 10 minute trek back to your dorm. These small 10 minute walks are a welcome relief....

  • October 16, 2019

Every year, the career fair comes around, and every year, a sizable portion of students wear goddamn suits—suits!—making the rest of look bad just for wearing normal clothes: Cookie Monster snapbacks, Reagan-Bush ‘84 t-shirts, wheatgrass Birkenstocks, what have you.  Nobody’s gonna say it? Really? Fine, I will: it won’t make...

  • September 10, 2019

As the semester begins, and add/drop quickly comes to an end, you may be wondering, “How can I do the least amount of work and still find time to cheat effectively this semester?” Well, you are in luck. Although school can suck a lot, the right classes (or lack thereof)...

  • September 3, 2019

The Swiss Army Knife. The iPhone. The foreskin. What do these things have in common? Well, certainly not mode of production (one is handcrafted, another Asian-sweatshop-crafted, and one in God’s image). They also differ in terms of smell, aesthetic quality, and prevalence in the Jewish community. I see you’re confused,...

  • May 4, 2019