By Jeff Malarky I paid $566,996 to Uncle Sam last year in federal income taxes. I threw in another $95,968 to the dear old governor of New Jersey, $47,438 to my accountant based in Grand Cayman, and $10,000 to my favorite charity, RIM (Raise Income Minimums, which seeks to prevent...
By Sophie Stachurski It’s hardly news to Vanderbilt students that the transition from high school to college is hard. Between the struggle of convincing your parents that HOD will create far more lucrative career paths than medicine ever would and figuring out a way to casually tell your roommate that...
By Sophie Stachurski A few hundred years ago, a white man took pen to paper and wrote a very prolific novel that would grace the syllabi of New England boarding school English classes long after his untimely death of pneumonia. A few years ago, some guy logged onto the internet...
John Wick, played by whatshisname, is a modern staple and icon of the action genre, as the series whirls through excellently crafted fight scenes, chase scenes and even more excellently crafted fight scenes. However, despite how incredibly well the guy from the Matrix kills people and how much of a...
College is a time of exploration, right? Isn’t that the joke? The stereotype? That people have their “gay phase?” Now your reaction here is one of three things: either you’re nodding your head, shaking it aggressively to mask your homoeroticism or you’re quickly realizing this is not the right article...