Sometimes the path to self-discovery leads us places we’ve never imagined. “I just needed a change,” said Cathryn (21, formerly Kathryn) when confronted with the familiar question of “why?” “I needed to forge my own identity.” In a recent interview with Time Magazine, Cathryn explained the bold choice to completely...
“It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God” —Matthew 19:24 It seems like every day Elon Musk is coming up with a new, bold idea that could potentially revolutionize the world. This time,...
ConcernedAboutCock It’s 7:37 PM on a Saturday night. I have no plans other than walking to the Commons Munchie Mart and buying myself a strawberry banana smoothie that I 140 percent believe has the same ingredients as the ones at McDonald’s. As I embark on my travels, I cast a...
By Fluke Baller The art of the Friendzone is a delicate one. You may find yourself balancing an immense hatred for her boyfriend with all the unrequited pining one can muster, all while keeping your feelings hidden at all costs. It’s a dangerous game. Only the strongest and worthiest among...
By Nick Gebo It’s the beginning of a new semester! Spring is coming and things are looking up. Better yet, a new semester can mean a brand new, reimagined you. It’s the perfect time to evaluate your life, your goals and adjust your path to set yourself up for future...