John Wick, played by whatshisname, is a modern staple and icon of the action genre, as the series whirls through excellently crafted fight scenes, chase scenes and even more excellently crafted fight scenes. However, despite how incredibly well the guy from the Matrix kills people and how much of a...
College is a time of exploration, right? Isn’t that the joke? The stereotype? That people have their “gay phase?” Now your reaction here is one of three things: either you’re nodding your head, shaking it aggressively to mask your homoeroticism or you’re quickly realizing this is not the right article...
By Slant Staff Look, tornadoes are no joke and neither is this protocol. We all know the warning signs for a tornado (I actually did not and had to google them), but if you hear a noise that sounds like a freight train over the sound of your sex playlist,...
It’s hard being a woman. I get paid significantly less than men and, if I want to nature pee, I have to hold a weird funnel. Life is hard enough as is, but having that double X chromosome makes it that much harder. It is important that we women have...
TALLAHASSEE, FL—Ron DeSantis announced late Friday evening that he had signed a new bill into law to help keep the classroom pure. The bill, colloquially labeled the “Don’t Say ____ Bill,” garnered widespread support amongst the state legislature, but has been met with criticism from parents and activist groups alike....