By Fluke Baller Sad processions of CHEM 1601 students have been a common sight at Vanderbilt for years. But in recent weeks they’ve been seen around campus with a spring in their step, life in their eyes and anal beads up their ass. Spurred by the “worst fucking midterm I’ve...
“This will show them we mean business,” said Gulley Hender (Class of ‘23) as he tossed the last roll of toilet paper into the massive pile on Alumni Lawn. A member of the crowd screamed “douse it!” On cue, the group of students ran around the mound of toilet paper...
Click below to view photos… From Freshman Kickoff to the historic Founder’s Walk, Vanderbilt is doing everything it can to create the picturesque campus environment the Office of Admissions can funnel into the mouths of groveling high school seniors nationwide. However, Vanderbilt’s gambit to perpetuate its reign by feasting on...
Vanderbilt dining has been described as bad, horrible, dogshit, made me cry, dryer than a chem lecture and twice as long, feels like someone took my stomach outside and beat it with a shovel, more tasteless than truck nuts on a hearse, blood curdling, just regular curdling, seafood in a...
Vanderbilt Chancellor Daniel Diermeier recently announced his plans to tear down Branscomb Quadrangle, an upper-level residence hall that notably houses Ethan Wacker, pledges who failed to get a bid freshman year and transfer students who simply don’t know any better. The Diermeier Dormitories will be built in its place. When...