Kamala Harris She’s a woman, Jamaican, and Indian, ‘nuff said. If you read that as a good thing, congratulations, you’re woke, but also, Dems may need to reign in identity politics if we want to win elections. She’s a cop. But not a fun one, like Ice-T in SVU. She’s...
I recently came across this interesting debate while reading my second favorite Vanderbilt news source, the Hustler. The article (found here), posed an interesting question: Should Confederate statues be demolished with a bulldozer or a wrecking ball? Admittedly, I only had the time to read the title, but I still...
The Slant has obtained a series of unreleased tweets by President Trump regarding Time magazine’s Person of the Year.
For those of you concerned about treason who wish to play along at home, please refer to Google Translate to decode the above sinister plot.
Washington D.C.–Amid turmoil in the Trump administration, The White House announced today that newly appointed Communications Director Anthony ‘The Mooch’ Scaramucci has been removed from his position for stealing one too many of the President’s french fries.