John Wick, played by whatshisname, is a modern staple and icon of the action genre, as the series whirls through excellently crafted fight scenes, chase scenes and even more excellently crafted fight scenes. However, despite how incredibly well the guy from the Matrix kills people and how much of a...
College is a time of exploration, right? Isn’t that the joke? The stereotype? That people have their “gay phase?” Now your reaction here is one of three things: either you’re nodding your head, shaking it aggressively to mask your homoeroticism or you’re quickly realizing this is not the right article...
Sometimes the path to self-discovery leads us places we’ve never imagined. “I just needed a change,” said Cathryn (21, formerly Kathryn) when confronted with the familiar question of “why?” “I needed to forge my own identity.” In a recent interview with Time Magazine, Cathryn explained the bold choice to completely...
By Jeff Malarky 10) The Second Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image For starters, holy shit is this hard to understand. Did they not have Grammarly back then? So this one basically forbids making shrines and praying to them. This just feels a bit outdated to...
By Megan McGrath and Vivian Iburg Swine flu, the iconic disease once named for pigs like Vanderbilt Young Republicans, is undergoing a name change following a terrible outbreak at an innocent holiday party. On December 9, 2022, The Slant staff gathered at the residence of Chris Not-Kringle to share good...