Saudi Women Can Drive – But Can They Putt?


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – In the following weeks after Saudi Arabia’s decision to lift its ban on female drivers, attendance for a variety of outdoor facilities have skyrocketed as throngs of citizens are making their way across the country to finally see women driving on the golf course. As women were legally barred from driving cars, they were also barred from utilizing their drivers – restricting them to solely irons, wedges, and putters. With the legalization of driving, women are able to ensure they not only get their golf ball down the fairway efficiently but also are now able to drive their cart up the green to put in a two fold advancement of rights. With the dramatic increase in the performance of Saudi female golfers, International Olympic Committee officials are reconsidering their denial of the Saudi Arabian women’s golfing team in their Olympic bid. Now that women have won the right to drive, the national spotlight has transferred to their short game as experts are weighing in on the possible success of putting for Saudi women.

Current sports analysts predict that putting from Saudi women will be remarkably precise as they have developed feel with their irons and wedges. As many holes cap at 2x par, Saudi women often achieved the max score before reaching the green, without the right to drive the ball into the fairway, and therefore have little experience putting. While putting is often heralded as the more important stroke in golf, the fact that Saudi Arabian women are able to now engage in this activity is causing political analysts to wonder what’s next for women.  

  • October 11, 2017